What is the queue and what can I do with it?

update: 14 November 2024

In this article we'll answer the following questions:

  • What is a queue?

  • How do I set up a queue via My Rinkel on the computer?

  • How do I set up a queue via My Rinkel on my iPhone?

  • How do I set up a queue via My Rinkel on my Android phone?

Tip: The queue can also be used in combination with a call menu!

What is a queue?

At Rinkel, the queue is defined as follows: The queue becomes active when a call is not picked up after the first round.

That means:

We will handle the forwarding as you have set it up. This until the maximum ring time has elapsed (defaults to 20 seconds). Suppose: you have set that your 3 numbers in the call forwarding should be picked up one by one. Then we will do this until you answer, or until the ringing time has expired.

Does the ring time expire? Then we check whether you have set up a queue. If this is the case, we will put your caller in the queue. A caller can wait in the queue for as long as you have set.

Maximum time of the queue has elapsed and the call has not yet been answered? We will then proceed to your set 'no answer' option (hang up without notification, hang up and go to voicemail, or forward to the answering service).

What is the difference between the queue and the waiting room?

The difference between the queue and the waiting room is that you always manually put someone in the waiting room yourself, even after recording has already been made. You can take back or transfer the call from the Waiting Room.

The queue is only for when no recording has been made yet and is an automatic process. You can use the waiting room, for example, when you want to transfer a caller to a colleague, need a few minutes to look up something for a customer, or have to discuss something during a telephone conversation.

How do I set up a queue via My Rinkel on the computer?

  1. Access your account at my.rinkel.com using your username and password. Once inside, go to the "numbers" tab in the top menu.

  2. In the "numbers" section, you will find a list of phone numbers associated with your business on Rinkel on the left.

  3. Select the phone number you want to set up the queue for and click on the gear icon.

  4. Choose the time you want the customer to wait on the ringing tone before going to the queue. We recommend around 20 seconds for a comfortable wait.

  5. Go back to the "numbers" screen and select the "forwarding" option or go to the forwarding list through the Call menu option. Click on "edit". Here, you should already have set up your forwarding in case you can't answer the call, but with the "expert" plan, you will see additional options related to the queue.

  6. Choose the time you want the customer to wait in the queue and what music you prefer them to listen to. We recommend a maximum of 5 minutes. You can also choose to include a prerecorded voice message indicating that you are busy and will try to answer the call as soon as possible.

  7. Finally, choose what action you want to happen if you can't answer the call even after the client has been in the queue. You can send the call to voicemail, disconnect it, play a message and then disconnect it, or transfer it to another user. In this example, I will play a message and then disconnect it. This way, I can tell my customers a more personalized message to let them know I am too busy and that they can call back later.

  8. Save the changes, and you're done! Your queue will be activated, providing a much more professional service to your business.

Arthur's golden tip: People tend to wait longer when you let them know they have to wait. For example with a recording in which you say: “All our employees are talking. One moment please. You will be helped as soon as possible." I definitely recommend that you set such a message.

How do I set up a queue in My Rinkel on my iPhone?

  1. Go to the My Rinkel app on your iPhone

  2. Go to Settings at the bottom right of your screen

  3. Click Call Forwarding and then Queue

  4. Click on the slider to activate the queue. Immediately set your maximum waiting time, music on hold (optional) and any sound recording.

Arthur's golden tip: People tend to wait longer when you let them know they have to wait. For example with a recording in which you say: “All our employees are talking. One moment please. You will be helped as soon as possible." I definitely recommend that you set such a message.

How do I set up a queue in My Rinkel on my Android phone?

  1. Go to the My Rinkel app

  2. Tap the three horizontal stripes at the top left

  3. In this menu, choose Call Forwarding

  4. In the next menu, tap Queue

  5. Activate the queue with the check mark. Immediately set the maximum waiting time, music on hold (optional) and any sound recording

  6. Click Save at the top right. Only then are your changes saved.

Claudia's golden tip: People tend to wait longer when you let them know they have to wait. For example with a recording in which you say: “All our employees are talking. One moment please. You will be helped as soon as possible." I definitely recommend that you set such a message.