Are my summaries written by AI insights legally valid?

update: 14 November 2024

Important: Rinkel only offers the service to support your work, we have no insight into the proper use of this service. We cannot provide advice regarding the legal implications of the summaries, advice, labels, sentiments, or further output generated by AI insights.

The legal implications regarding the use of AI-generated insights depend strongly on the purpose, company, and manner in which the service is used. Rinkel cannot make any statements about this or provide advice.

It is your own responsibility to find out what the legal implications and requirements of various legislation are and how to comply with them. We kindly ask you to take care of this yourself.

As a starting point in this search, you can look at the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) for the legal implications of recording phone conversations as a company.