Staying resilient: 5 essential tips to prevent burrnout

Jolijn Buitelaar
update: 04 January 2024

In a world where work stress seems to be continuously increasing, it is no surprise that burnout complaints are a growing problem. According to a recent report, as mentioned in this article on, 1.6 million working people in the Netherlands experienced burnout symptoms in 2022. This marks an alarming increase of 23% compared to 2021. These statistics highlight the urgent need to pay more attention to employee well-being and promote a healthy work-life balance.

For Rinkel, a healthy work-life balance is one of the most important elements because our product is based on it; it helps business owners keep business and personal life separate, which is one of the most important aspects for a work-life balance. 

Explore in this article how to prevent this trend frrom affecting you as well.

The rise of work-relates stress

We live in an era of non-stop multitasking and digital connectivity, where work-related stress is almost unavoidable. It started as that one extra email you wanted to reply to in the evening, and before you knew it, the whole concept of 'work-life balance' faded into the background like a forgotten task on a crowded agenda.

Why does work stress only seem to be increasing? Blame it on the always-on culture, where we are constantly online, answering emails while binge-watching our favorite series, and scrolling through social media during our lunch break. Work stress appears to be spreading rapidly in the modern working world, where deadlines occur in our dreams, and expectations sometimes seem unrealistic.

The aftermath of COVID-19 adds an extra layer to the mix. The abrupt transition from an era of remote work to daily commuting again can take an unexpected toll. After cocooning at home for months, it might feel a bit strange to have to leave the house every day again.

The impact of work-related stress on health and productivity

What does work stress actually do to our health and productivity? It's like a domino effect. First, there are those sleepless nights, where you lie awake worrying about tasks that still need to be done. And before you know it, that chronic tiredness has taken a permanent place in your daily routine.

For your productivity, work stress is not good either. The tiredness from work stress causes your creativity to suddenly vanish, and as for concentration? Forget about it. Work stress leads to a significant decrease in your productivity, turning even the simplest tasks into mountains.

Work stress is a true saboteur for our health and productivity. But don't worry, in the next paragraph, we'll outline 5 essential tips to help prevent work stress.

Personal guide: 5 tips to prevent burnout symptoms

To stay one step ahead of burnout symptoms, we have a personal guide with five helpful tips to prevent work stress from knocking us down.

1. Embrace the power of breaks

Make room for moments of rest, even during working hours. Take a pause, stretch a bit, and take deep breaths. During these short breaks, you can recharge your mind and let creativity flow. Fresh air not only works wonders for your mood but also boosts your energy. Whether it's a quick sketch, a short stroll, or a few minutes of meditation, give yourself perrmission to pause and breath, It can work wonders for your stress levels and help you stay more focused.

2. The magic word is 'no'

Don't overwhelm yourself with tasks; say no when it becomes too much, and delegate when possible. We can easily feel the pressure to do everything in terms of work and responsibilities. Saying no doesn't mean you're not involved or dedicated, but rather that you are smart with energy and time. It's the key to maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life.

3. Protect yourself from digital overload

In our modern world, we are often flooded with a constant stream of digital stimuli. Social media, emails, and other notifications are almost unavoidable. It is essential to create a digital oasis for your mental well-being, a place where your mind can rest and recharge. Turn off notifications, and you'll notice your mind has more room to breathe. We have found the ultimate tool to assist you in this: Unpluq is a physical key for your distracting apps. You can use it to block certain apps for a certain amount of time. To reopen the app, you need the physical tag.

4. Schedule free time in your calender

Reserve time for yourself as if it were an important meeting. It's easy to overlook the necessary free time because it's considered non-important. Whether it's a walk, a good book, or simply doing nothing, make it a priority to escape daily chaos and recharge. It's not a luxury but a necessary investment in your well-being.

5. Speak up and seek help

On the road to a healthy work-life balance, it's crucial to recognize that we are not superheroes. It's human to struggle at times and not see yourself as the one who can handle every challenge without help. Expressing your feelings is not a sign of weakness; it's an expression of self-awareness. Sharing your burdens with others can have a healing power. Remember: it's perfectly okay to need help sometimes.

With these tips, you can prevent burnout symptoms and conquer work stress. They encourage self-care, realistic expectations, and embracing support. Essential components for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.