Unlocking the Power of Rinkel: Integration Possibilities with Webhooks and APIs

Jolijn Buitelaar
update: 31 July 2024 | read time: 10 minutes

In the fast-paced world of business, staying connected and efficiently managing communications is crucial. Rinkel understands this need and offers integration tools like Webhooks and APIs to help your business operations. With Webhooks, you can receive real-time updates on your call data, ensuring your systems are always up to date. Additionally, Rinkel's new API feature, currently live in Beta, allows seamless integration with your favourite platforms such as HubSpot and Salesforce, providing you with complete control and freedom. Let's explore how these integrations can transform your business communication strategy. 

What are webhooks?

Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. They are like push notifications, but for web services. Webhooks automatically send updates in real-time when a specific event occurs. This is done by providing a URL to the service, which then sends an HTTP POST request to that URL whenever the specified event happens. Okay... that sounded a bit technical, I promise it’s not! Let’s break it down and see how it works in the context of Rinkel.

  1. Event occurrence: Examples of events in Rinkel’s case could include incoming calls, outgoing calls, call start, call end or call insights.
  2. Webhook trigger: Once the event occurs, Rinkel’s system triggers a webhook.
  3. Payload sent: A payload, or a packet of information related to the event, is sent to a predetermined URL. This URL is the webhook endpoint and can be any system, which is configured to receive the information.
  4. Action taken: The receiving system (for example, a CRM system) acts based on the information. This could involve logging a call, updating a customer record, or triggering another workflow.

Real-time data updates offers many benefits to your business operations: 

  • Immediate responses: With real-time updates, your systems can respond instantly to new data. This is crucial for time-sensitive tasks such as customer support, where immediate action can improve customer satisfaction.
  • Increased efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual data entry and minimises errors. For instance, automatically logging call data into your CRM system saves time and ensures accuracy.
  • Improved decision making: Having up-to-date information allows for better decision-making. Managers can access real-time data to monitor performance and adjust accordingly.
  • Customization: Webhooks facilitate seamless integration between different systems, allowing users to tailor webhooks alerts in their own CRM to fit their specific needs, making sure they’re only notified about what matters most to them.

Apis: Seamless Integration with Your Favourite Systems

Integrating your tools is key to running smoothly nowadays. Rinkel’s API goes beyond simple alerts. It offers deep interaction with your favourite systems. This allows customers to request specific data or actions, giving them the flexibility to create customised solutions. Whether you need detailed call records or want to link Rinkel with your CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce, our API opens many possibilities. It gives you the freedom to integrate Rinkel’s advanced features directly into your service. 

With the API, you can use Rinkel in your own systems. You can request and edit data. How does this work? 

  1. Request: An application sends a request to a server using the API’s defined protocols.
  2. Processing: The server processes the request according to its API logic.
  3. Response: The server sends a response back to the requesting application.

The API offers several benefits for your business: 

  • Control and customisation: With the API, you can adjust Rinkel to meet your specific needs. This means you have the freedom to adjust features and get data as needed. It helps you create a unique experience for your business.
  • Comprehensive integration: The API allows deep integration with your favourite systems. This lets you use call data in your reporting tools and more. It makes your business operations smoother and more connected.
  • Security and ease: Each account gets a unique API key, which ensures secure interactions. This means you can connect without complicated logins. It's a safe and simple way to integrate Rinkel into your existing systems.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, the API can handle more data and more complex integrations without slowing down. This means you can add new features, connect with more systems, and manage higher call volumes easily.

Getting started with Rinkel integrations

Using Rinkel’s integrations will allow you to work with Rinkel within the systems you love and use every day. Rinkel offers two types of integrations: Webhooks and API. They work great together, but also apart from each other.  

The Webhook function is only available in the Expert subscription. If you want to get started with Webhooks, you can check this document. The API is now available in BETA and is available for the Professional and Expert subscriptions. If you want to start with the API, you first need to request an API key.

The Webhooks and the API also work great together. Let’s look at an example together, where you would want to update your CRM using the available integrations: 

  1. Using Webhooks, you subscribe to a "Call End" event. So, every time a call ends, our system sends you a notification that a call has ended, including information about the call. Like time, a unique call ID and who were on the call. 
  2. Make sure the information of this event is sent to your CRM system. You can stop there, but having this information opens a lot of opportunities! 
  3. For example, you want all of the call data to be in your CRM. So, to enrich the data about this call, you use the API to get the call recording, notes and AI insights from this call. And if they left a voicemail, you could also get that information. Don't need it, or it was a personal call? Then simply delete the recordings and notes from your CRM as well. 
  4. See the value of your CRM system grow! With a centralised system where everything about customer, partner or supplier communications is arranged, you are more in-sync with what customers want, spend less time on administrative tasks and processes are more streamlined. 

Future of Business Communications with Rinkel Integrations

The future of business communications looks promising with new integration possibilities. Using Webhooks and APIs, businesses can get real-time updates and connect their favourite systems easily. This helps to work more efficiently and stay ahead of the competition, making it easier for businesses to stay connected and successful. Start using Rinkel integrations today to prepare your business for the future.