How do I set up my business voicemail in the My Rinkel app (Android)?

Rinkel collega Silvina
Silvina van Dam
update: 14 November 2024

Please note: You can only set up your business voicemail outside your business hours in My Rinkel on your desktop.

This article will walk you through the various business voicemail settings:

Do you want to set up a business voicemail with a key in your call menu?

Read how to connect to your voicemail from your call menu.

How do I set up my business voicemail for call forwarding in the My Rinkel app?

  1. Open the My Rinkel app

  2. Go to Forwarding in the menu

  3. Click When not available and select Play recording and send to voicemail.

  4. Choose the recording you want to play before the caller is put through to voicemail

  5. Click on Save in the top right corner to activate the settings immediately

How do I manage the corresponding email notifications in the My Rinkel app?

  1. Open the My Rinkel app

  2. Go to Settings in the menu

  3. Select which notifications you want to receive when a new voicemail arrives